Article archive


10/09/2013 00:16
Know evrything here from what is DNA to how it is manipulated in the world of RDT. DNA Discovery of DNA DNA Structure RDT How it all started..and what it is all about An overview of RDT and the steps involved Tools of RDT Restriction Endonuclease Other important...

Preparation of insert and vector DNA

08/09/2013 19:48
Preparation of DNA fragments To ligate a DNA fragment into a plasmid vector you have first of all to prepare your fragment and your vector in a way that your fragment can be inserted into the vector. For this fragment (also called insert) and vector must have compatible ends after digestion. If you...

Purification of DNA from living cells

08/09/2013 19:22
he genetic engineer will, at different times, need to prepare at least three distinct kinds of DNA. Firstly, total cell DNA will often be required as a source of material from which to obtain genes to be cloned.  Total cell DNA may be DNA from a culture of bacteria,...

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

07/09/2013 23:26
Gel Electrophoresis Gel electrophoresis is a procedure that separates molecules on the basis of their rate of movement through a gel under the influence of an electrical field. The direction of movement is affected by the charge of the molecules, and the rate of movement is affected by their size...

Total cell DNA

06/09/2013 19:24
Preparation of total cell DNA The fundamentals of DNA preparation are most easily understood by first considering the simplest type of DNA purification procedure, that wbere the entire DNA complement of a bacterial cell is required. The modifications needed for plasmid and phage DNA...

Plasmid DNA

06/09/2013 19:12
Preparation of plasmid DNA Purification of plasmids from a culture of bacteria involves the same general strategy as preparation of total cell DNA. A culture of cells, containing plasmids, is grown in liquid medium, harvested, and a cell extract prepared. The protein and RNA are...

Phage DNA

05/09/2013 19:26
Preparation of bacteriophage DNA The key difference between phage DNA purification and the preparation of either total cell DNA or plasmid DNA is that for phages the starting material is not normally a cell extract. This is because bacteriophage particles can be obtained in large...

Gene Cloning

04/09/2013 23:06
  The process of cloning a gene involves many biotechnological techniques. Depending on what information is already availible on the gene of interest, various methods can be used to isolate and amplify it.->(click here for...

Restriction Endonuclease

03/09/2013 17:27
A restriction enzyme (or restriction endonuclease) is an enzyme that cuts DNA at or near specific recognition nucleotide sequences known as restriction sites. Restriction endonucleases were identified independently by two groups, Arber and...

Other important ENZYMES used in RDT..

03/09/2013 15:08
1) DNA Ligase In molecular biology, DNA Ligase is a specific type of enzyme, a ligase,  that facilitates the joining of DNA strands together by catalyzing the formation of a phosphodiester bond. It plays a role in repairing single-strand breaks in...
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