Article archive

The Structure of DNA Explained!!

01/09/2013 23:52


01/09/2013 14:01
In molecular cloning, a vector is a DNA molecule used as a vehicle to artificially carry foreign genetic material into another cell, where it can be replicated and/or expressed. A vector containing foreign DNA is termed recombinant DNA. Common to all engineered...

An overview of RDT and the steps involved

28/08/2013 17:00
Recombinant DNA Technology has the same process as DNA Cloning and Molecular cloning as well as gene cloning. This process involves transferring DNA fragments that are of interest to a scientist from one organism to another self replicating and genetic element. In addition to this the DNA can be...

Discovery of DNA

26/08/2013 21:06
The Search for the Genetic Material Long before DNA and RNA were known to carry genetic information, scientists realized that living organisms contain some substance—a genetic material—that is responsible for the characteristics that are passed on from parent to child....

DNA Structure

25/08/2013 21:48
The Composition and Structure of DNA What is the molecular structure of DNA? DNA and RNA are polymers—large molecules that consist of many similar smaller molecules, called monomers, linked together. The monomers that make up DNA and RNA are nucleotides.  Each...

So what's rDNA and RDT??

25/08/2013 00:19
rDNA stands for recombinant DNA. Recombinant DNA (rDNA) is a form of artificial DNA that is created by combining two or more sequences that would not normally occur together. Thus, the name recombinant!  Recombinant DNA is also sometimes referred to as "chimera." By combining two...

Starting with the basics... what is DNA??

24/08/2013 23:08
We all know that elephants only give birth to little elephants, giraffes to giraffes, dogs to dogs and so on for every type of living creature. But why is this so? The answer lies in a molecule called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which contains the biological instructions that make each species...

Starting with the basics... what is DNA??

24/08/2013 22:24
We all know that elephants only give birth to little elephants, giraffes to giraffes, dogs to dogs and so on for every type of living creature. But why is this so? The answer lies in a molecule called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which contains the biological instructions that make each species...

Website started..

09/08/2013 15:10
A project, a dream, a website..! This website was started as part of an assignment given to the hostess of the website by her bioinformatics professor. It was launched on 20/08/2013 and it aims to answer all the basic questions of our readers and viewers about recombinant DNA technology.

First blog

09/08/2013 15:09
Our new blog has been launched today. Stay focused on it and we will try to keep you informed. You can read new posts on this blog via the RSS feed.
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